Aikido - what can it offer?

Peaceful defence

For those who are keen on techniques the throw and lever techniques of Aikido are both creative and effective. The special feature of Aikido lies in the neutralisation of any kind of aggression which finally leads to a peaceful situation. The top goal is to respect one’s own life as well as the life of the attacker (Ban-Yu-Ai-Go).

Integral movement

The movements of Aikido using the whole body makes one experience physical regularities in an unusual way combined with the joy of natural movement. Thereby the senses of perception, balance, centralisation and grounding as well as the coordinative skills are trained and further developed. „Integral“ in Aikido means that the body as a whole (as a unit) is in movement and not only its parts are being active. For instance hands and feet are generally kept in front of the body and are used only in combination with the centre of gravity of the body and as an extension of the body itself.


In the preparatory Aikido gymnastics, breathing, relaxation and mental concentration are also of great importance. The excercises treat humans as a unit. They make sure that the activitity of all organs are regulated and harmonised, that all physical and mental blockages are eliminated and that the physical and mental power, the energy of life (Ki), is combined.

Preservation of health

The shifts and turnings which are typical for Aikido ensure permanent stimulation. Heart and blood circulation gets strengthened and blood pressure is stimulated positively. In addition special exercises (breathing and Ki exercises) have a positive effect on physical and mental development and let one find a healthy and joyful attitude towards life. The deep breathing in Aikido vitalises and refreshes the body and mind, increases the energy flow and lets special power arise which is transcribed in Aikiodo with the term „power of breathing“ (Kokyu-Ryoku). Physical and mental blockages can be released that way. The mind relaxes and the body becomes transparent in order to let the „flowing power“ (Ki no Nagare) develop which is special for Aikido. With ongoing practice the breathing exercises of Aikido ensure an inner purification of the body (Misogi) and produce a clear mind (Sumi-Giri). This ensures spontaneous, reflex minded actions and the capability for anticipation.


Education for cooperation

The importance of etiquette and correct behaviour – aspects which are normally not common in European sport – as well as its attraction for the „mystery of the East“, which can be found in Waza (the technique itself and what goes beyond) and which claims body and mind totally, give Aikido its high value of education. This is backed up in practice through the special exercise variations of Aikido (couple and group training, role training and others) and through the incomparable atmosphere in an Aikido-Dojo. Both factors support cooperation between the practising people and responsible contact with each other.

Mental training

Ample and complex movement processes with different partners challenge and support mental activity, mindfulness and concentration. With an increasing exercise in practice one manages more and more to harmonise Ki, spirit and body and to bring their own Ki together with the universal Ki and to get deeper insights into the process of life.